F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act:

Family Reunification Economic Expansion Documented Organized Management

The FREEDOM Act is the Reunification Economic Expansion Documented Organized Management.


The FR.E.E.D.O.M. Act has been developed as an alternative to the current American laws towards the immigration system. It addresses the issues of Family Reunification Economic Expansion & the Documented and Organized Management of immigrants entering the United States.

Family Reunification:

Under the current American immigration system, families with pending petitions must wait between 5 to 15 years to enter the county. The F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act will allow immediate family members of citizens or residents to enter United States by obtaining a Three-years Temporary Residence within one-year period.

The Three-years Temporary Residence status will allow the immigrant to travel freely within or outside the U.S. borders .

The Three-years Temporary Residence may be lost if:

               A) A petition for permanent residence is denied.

               B) The immigrant is without work for 6 months or more without justification.

               C) He/she fails to pay lawful due U.S. taxes.

                D) He/she fails to maintain good moral character.

After three years, the Three-years Temporary Residence can be exchanged for a Permanent Residence at a cost of $1,000 or it can be extended for another three years.

Economic Expansion:

Those immigrants that benefited from the amnesty of 1986 played an important role in the economic growth of this country in the 90’s. Now, as our economy is once again recuperating, we need to make the necessary reforms so that immigrants may fully participate again in the process of the recuperation of the American economy.

F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act allows for immediate entry into the country if there is a pending filed petition. The reform set forth by the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act, makes the worker responsible for his/her stay in the country. This in turn, motivates the immigrant to comply with all the economic, social, and moral obligations required by the U.S. law.

The F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act eliminates sanctions against employers, and gives workers the opportunity to organize and/or change the employer if his/her rights are being violated.

The F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act facilitates the economic investments for the immigrants, the acquisition of property, the creation of small business; it increases their purchasing power, and allows them to move inside or outside the county. The demands for a permanent work force for small and medium businesses in the American soil, and for the informal sector of its economy is the best justification to seriously consider this legislative proposal.

Documented and Organized Management:

The F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act will ease the entry of immigrants into the American country. It will simplify the bureaucratic immigration process, and will keep a controlled day-to-day record of every immigrant with Permanent or Temporary Residence.

There is a general consensus among government, community organizations, religious, labor business and health sectors, that the reform of the immigration system is inevitable. Immigrants enter illegally not only because America needs their labor, but because the current U.S. immigration system is outdated, and does not works towards supplying the workforce that its enormous economy is demanding. The slow processing of workers petitions is directly linked to the disorganization within the U.S. Immigration system.

The holistic 21st Century American immigration reform that the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act offers to the American citizen, reduces document fraud, tax evasion, unnecessary fundings for border restrictions, and allows for a better control and count of the legal status of immigrants guaranteeing in this matter the internal security and sovereignty of the American soil.

Details of the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Act legal proposal: